Brian & Katelyn

Part 1:

Hello! We are Brian and Katelyn and we are so very excited to be in the process of adopting a child from Korea. We have been married 7 years and have 2 biological children – Briek (4) and Jodi (2). We live in Langley, BC. God started giving us a heart for adoption about 2 years ago. We feel so encouraged and blessed to have received an adoption grant from ABBA Canada. Our cup overflows and we are thrilled to welcome another child into our family! We are pleased to have finished the homestudy and dossier paperwork and are now waiting to be matched with our child that God has picked out for us - sometime within the next year. Stay tuned!

Part 2:

We have finally been matched with a child! We are so blessed to announce our son Jayce Hayul Tony. He is 10 months old right now and living in Korea, but we are praying and hoping the final stages of the process go quickly and that we will get to take him home to Canada later this year. We feel so thankful for the encouragement and support we’ve received from ABBA and many others so far on this journey. Stay tuned!

Part 3:

We have brought our son (Jayce) home! We were finally able to bring him home mid August after many COVID related travel delays and quarantines in Korea. Despite the delays, we're thankful that given the current travel restrictions that this adoption continued progressing and that everything eventually came together.


We are ecstatic to finally have him here with us. The last year and a half of waiting has been very difficult at times but we're thankful that God has brought us all together at last. Jayce has a spunky and outgoing personality and is adjusting well to his new environment. He certainly is enjoying exploring his new world.


We are so thankful to ABBA Canada for the financial grant we received which has been a huge blessing to our family.

 Thanks again,

Brian and Kate

Kris Hull