Jason & Nicole's Story

Our adoption story began way back when I (Nicole) was just a young child dreaming about having my own family one day. God placed infant adoption on my heart. I always thought that I would also have biological children as well, but little did I know what God’s plans for me and my spiritual growth were. I dreamt of being a young mom with a house FULL of children. What I didn’t know was that our journey would include an infertility diagnosis, loss, pain, attempts at fertility treatment, then a failed direct placement adoption, even more years of waiting and longing, questioning the goodness of God, and finally the incredible miracle of the adoption of our daughter Brooklynn. 

 After Brooklynn turned 1 year old and we were allowed to pursue a second adoption, I was so scared and hesitant. We had nowhere near the finances necessary to cover all of the costs or even enough to submit our re-entry application. Jason reminded me that when we began the process of applying for our first adoption we didn’t have enough money then either and God graciously provided what we needed. Another adoptive mom also encouraged me to trust God and re-apply if we did indeed feel called to a second adoption. I was encouraged and my faith was strengthened, so we began the process again. Immediately God gave me a sense of peace and I no longer worried about the financial piece. Our fundraising efforts were a testimony of God’s plan to once again bless our family through adoption. Our community of faith, friends, and family gave generously to our different fundraisers and requests for donations. God provided enough money to cover each fee as it needed to be paid. Most recently we were blessed with the phone call from ABBA Canada letting us know that we were receiving a grant towards our adoption expenses. I burst into tears as I was overwhelmed with gratitude. God has provided ALL of the financing needed to completely cover our second adoption in less than 6 months time. Now all we have left to do is wait for the phone call that we have been chosen. Please pray for us to have the patience to wait expectantly on the Lord for His perfect timing. 

Kris Hull